报告主题:Digital Privacy: Status, Challenges, and Directions 报 告 人:余水 报告时间:2023年4月7日 15:00-16:30 报告地点:计算机大楼A318 报告摘要: Digital privacy is an unprecedented problem for human society, and we are at the doorstep of the phenomenon. In this talk, we firstly report our understanding of the current status and spectrum of digital privacy. Secondly, we present the essential challenges in the field based on our understanding, also include some of our effort and targets. Finally, we share the promising directions in our minds, aiming to work together with interested colleagues and friends to explore the uncharted land of digital privacy. 报告人简介: Shui Yu is a Professor of School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney,Australia. His research interest includes Cybersecurity, Network Science, Big Data, and Mathematical Modelling. He has published five monographs and edited two books, more than 500 technical papers at different venues, such as IEEE TDSC, TPDS, TC, TIFS, TMC, TKDE, TETC, ToN, and INFOCOM. His current h-index is 66. Professor Yu promoted the research field of networking for big data since 2013, and his research outputs have been widely adopted by industrial systems, such as Amazon cloud security. He is currently serving the editorial boards of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (Area Editor) and IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Editor). He served as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society (2018-2021). He is a Distinguished Visitor of IEEE Computer Society, and an elected member of Board of Governors of IEEE VTS and IEEE ComSoc, respectively. He is a member of ACM and AAAS, and a Fellow of IEEE. 余水博士系澳大利亚悉尼科技大学计算机学院的教授,IEEE Fellow。他的研究兴趣包括网络空间安全、网络科学、大数据、数学建模等。余教授出版专著5本、编著2本、论文500余篇,谷歌h指数68。现服务若干期刊的编委,包括IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 和 IEEE Internet of Things Journal。他曾担任IEEE通信学会的卓越讲师、现在为IEEE 计算机学会的卓越讲师,IEEE通信学会和IEEE车载技术学会的理事会成员,也曾担任国家自然科学基金委的优青以及重点项目的会评专家。 |