• 学术动态

作者: 发布日期:2023-09-11 浏览次数:

报告题目:Perspectives on Immersive Economy: From Immersive Experience to Immersive App

报 告 人:张瑞东




  A Discussion on Immersive Economy: From Immersive Experience to Immersive App

In this seminar, the emerging immersive economy, from immersive individual experience to immersive Apps for potential industries or application scenarios, will be discussed. Immersive economy is a way to understand the impacts that the AR/MR/VR technologies could potentially have over the future digital life and digital society. A framework to define immersive economy will be elaborated, together with discussions on some industry application scenarios. A proposal to create an immersive fintech lab will be describe as well.    


  张瑞东博士是美国威斯康辛大学奥克莱尔分校计算机信息系统学终身教授,目前兼任浙江大学国际商学院教授、MBA项目学术主任以及浙江大学互联网金融研究院执行院长。Elsevier出版的国际学术期刊 “区块链研究及应用” 副主编。曾任美国华人国际信息系统协会(ICISA)2014-2015会长,是美国决策科学协会、泛太平洋商务协会、国际计算机信息系统协会、国际华人信息系统协会等专业学术协会的会员。其研究领域包括云计算的架构及优化、区块链技术及应用、加密数字货币、信任计算、电子商务、开源技术以及下一代互联网的发展及应用。